Trailhead: Welcome to the Trailhead
Tucson Bike Tour
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Tucson Bike Tours owner Jimmy Bultman led eight of us on a fun-filled tour of the downtown Tucson area.
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The Hotel Congress featured interesting southwest decor and two antique phone switchboards.
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They call this the Iron Horse, but it looks like a giant rattlesnake. When you approach the rattle end, a motion sensor kicks off a rattling sound.
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El Charro's, birthplace of the chimichanga. The story goes that the cook accidentally dropped a burrito in the deep fryer. Since there were Spanish speaking kids in the restaurant, she didn't want to cuss in Spanish, so she uttered a Chinese word, which was something like chimichanga.
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The sculptures in the Garden of Gethsemanie were crafted by a homeless WWI veteran.
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Bloody AwfulBelow AverageNothing SpecialGoodPretty Damn Good 1 viewers have rated this item.